
You’re devoted to maintaining and growing your business, thereby ensuring your company’s long-term success. Not only have you and others worked hard to build the business, your employees are counting on you. At XPYRIA, we understand what’s at stake. For over 20 years, we have been committed to developing solid partnerships with our business clients. These relationships allow us to create investment strategies to address both short-term liquidity and long-term capital appreciation. Simultaneously, we help companies create cost-effective retirement plans to best serve their employees. To achieve these goals, we will

  • Analyze assets, liabilities, and outside investments
  • Provide fiduciary investment oversight
  • Provide counseling on investment matters
  • Develop, document, and update an investment policy

401(k) Plan Sponsors

Are Hidden Fees Hindering Your 401(k) Growth and Exposing You to Potential Liability?

Many 401(k) Plans are sold as “free” (never the case) or “low cost” (rarely the case). Plan Providers excel at making fees difficult to understand, in effect, hiding them in plain sight. Many Plan Sponsors are unaware of their fiduciary responsibilities under the Department of Labor to ensure that Plan fees are reasonable. Increasingly, lawsuits are targeting Plan Sponsors for their breach of duty in understanding Plan costs.

XPYRIA's Expertise Can Help

We specialize in partnering with professional practices like yours. We will help you understand your fees, investments, and other fiduciary duties and share with you our 401(k) strategies.

For 30 years we have been independent advocates for our clients ensuring that investment management and planning benefits accrue to our clients as opposed to the product peddlers.

For a thorough and complimentary review of your 401(k) Plan, email us at or call 412-232-3310.